After receiving 60 mins or more of Barefoot Massage, your back muscles will be very supple and chances for injury are greater. Please take the following precautions for the first 48 hours after receiving this technique.
Listen to your body!
Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. When you are hydrated, your muscles are hydrated!
Treat yourself to an Epsom salt bath, hot shower, hot tub or soak in the hot springs
Passive Stretching
Relax for the rest of the day.
Take it easy at the gym,it’s better to do your workout before your massage.
Make anotherappointmentto keep yourself feeling great!
Should Not:
Lift heavy objects.If you do go to the gym and lift weights, use lighter weights.(Be cautious with your movements and don't over do it)
Avoid things where you overly twist your body, as in, golfing, basketball or kickboxing.
Drink too much alcohol, you will getdehydratedand feel crappy.
Sit for long periods of time without stretching. (i.e. long car rides or non-stop flights over an hour)